Seeing Blue.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Dress (old, Anthro - similar feel) // Shoes // Necklace (different color)// Clutch // Sunnies // Earrings 

There is no secret I am a short girl. I have been the same height since approximately 2004 (or so the height marker in my closet shows), and have finally accepted the fact that I will forever be a short stack. And I love it. 

The pros to being short you wonder.... and believe me, there are more pros than cons.

1. You get carded at just about every bar because people automatically assume you're 12 years old. Hey, I've decided its flattering and will love it when I'm 30. 

2. I never have to worry about being taller than a man suitor. Even in five inch heels. Because, lets face it...I like em tall. 

3. I can wear some tops as dresses, and some dresses as maxis. Depending on the shoe choice, the proportions can change. 

And while I will forever be too short to see the band at most outdoor concerts, I can always ask the cutie standing next to me for a lift. Or just smile and get to the front, make goo-goo eyes with the band, get backstage and become some famous girlfriend. Le duh. 

This post took a crazy turn, but such is my life. HA! This dress is from last year at Anthropologie and I love the colors. Definitely a piece that can go from season to season. And I got it for a steal at under $50! 


  1. Too cute!! I love the print and texture of that dress! :)

    xo, Katy

    1. Thanks lady! Gotta love a good Anthro sale find! xox

  2. Loving the print and length of that dress!


  3. OMG I am on the shorter side too but I feel like I only notice it because all my friends are tall.... hahaha. I love this dress on you and your photos are so cute!!! love!!!


    1. You and me both. I feel like a 12 year old half the time!! Thanks for the sweet words. xox


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