Goals for 2015

Monday, January 5, 2015

As we move into 2015, (I still can't believe it), its the perfect time to reevaluate life and set some realistic goals for the year. Which I completely understand sounds super cliche. But honestly y'all, making lists and checking them off gives me such great excitement so I'm just gonna do it.

1. Get my freelance social media business rolling. Create plans and execute them to the best of my ability.

2. Say yes to traveling. I'm talking girly road trips to random cities to do random things. Concerts of bands I might not know much about. Etc.

3. Blog more. Treat the blog like a job, and dedicate plenty of time to make things happen.

4. Be open to new relationships. Whether they be friendships or the mushy romantic ones.

5. Be a tourist in my own city. Appreciate the gorgeous hometown I have the pleasure to live in.

6. Stop being embarrassed of my job as a blogger. I find I feel weird when I think, oh I should get someone to take my picture so I can post it to IG, or asking friends to help. I don't want people to think I'm narcissistic or something. Silly, I know. But I am proud to be a part of the blogging world, its time I start acting like it!

7. Nurture my long term friendships. Whether it be weekly FaceTime sessions, sending snail mail or just a quick text.

8. Try more food. If y'all don't know, I am a very picky eater. I'm talking like no red meat, no Asian food, seafood, etc.

9. Exercise. I know this is the most cliche New Year's resolution but it is true. The key is to just get into a fitness routine.

10. Deal with the fact that I will be 26 this year. But mostly, remember that everything will happen in time. When it is supposed to. Not put so much pressure on age and where I used to think I would be at this point in my life.

What are some of y'all's goals for 2015?!


  1. Doing what you love is always the best way to be happier in your life. And it’s good to know that’s exactly how you plan to turn your life this year. But in all of your goals, the part where you’re going to start your business is the most exciting, since this will help you have an extra income, to further support your goals on living the good life. But it can also be quite overwhelming, since you have to plan everything: from what product to sell, marketing, and so on. But don’t worry! There are a lot of good books or training seminars these days that can help you get all the things you need to know to succeed on your chosen endeavour. Good luck!

    Noah Stewart @ My Local Marketing

  2. It’s more than half of the year, and looking back at what you said in this post, it is wonderful how you positively planned your life this year. I am pretty sure that you already accomplished some tasks in this list, and there’s still plenty of time to do the other tasks. Good luck on your job and your social media business. I hope you prosper, and thank you for sharing your thoughts!

    Travis White @ Marketing Digest


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