Baby All I Want For Christmas Is You....

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Dress - H&M // Vest - Old Navy // Necklace - H&M (not similar but love) //
Booties - Lulu's (similar)// Sunnies - RayBans // Bag - French Connection 

The days before Christmas are a time for sheer panic. What is an exciting, festive and family-filled time also ends up being a stressful race to the finish line. Worrying about last minute gifts you had been putting off for the person who literally has everything. Trying very hard not to shop for yourself, but some of these sales are just wayy too good to pass up. Or deciding what to get for the person who has made it clear there is nothing they want, but the spirit of giving makes you want desperately to find something to gift wrap for them.

Sometimes marathon shopping has to happen. Braving the malls, parking lots and endless lines. So obviously your outfit has got to be something comfortable, easy to take off (for those dressing room trips for the items you inevitably find for yourself), and also cute. The holidays are when you see everyone and their mother. That dreaded ex who broke your heart, or the girl who pretends to be your friend but will talk about you behind your back. Y'all know what I'm talking about. So, the only thing you want them to be saying is DANG she looks great. **Enter peace sign & hair flip emoji here**

This adorable dress was $15 at H&M and the perfect easy piece for a shop till you drop extravaganza. Comfy shoes are a MUST. And the less amount of layers the better. Not so much bulk for the countless shopping bags you will be carrying.

How do y'all handle those last couple of days before Christmas?!

Shop some of my favorite H&M dresses!

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