Put Me In Coach.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Tee: Gap Jeans: Gap Shoes: Vince Camuto Hat: J.Crew Necklace: Entourage (similar)
Clutch: Francesca's (similar

Now, I may not be the most athletic gal in the bunch and it might surprise more than a few of y'all, but I am quite the baseball fan. While I don't know every major leaguer in the game, I do understand more than the average watcher, thanks to one of my dearest and best friends Carol. I have been sitting by her side, learning what a balk is, figuring out what a strike looks like and spending far too many hours in the car roadtripping to different games since I was 16.

Springtime makes me so excited for the sheer fact that baseball is back! Whether it's watching the Braves on the big screen, the Savannah Sand Gnats on a thirsty thursday night, or a college game, I am right there. Front row center. And watching those boys out there in tight baseball pants doesn't necessarily stink either.


  1. This is so cute! I absolutely love this look!

    Prep on a Budget

  2. Ah, Thirsty Thursdays... Don't forget Tubby's Sunset party after the game. I love this town!


    1. LOVE it. We should meet up sometime, since we're both in Savannah!! :)

  3. Love this post!!! I'm a baseball girl too and I am OBSESSED with these Gap jeans!! I wore mine on my blog, Palm and Peachtree, a few weeks ago. So glad I found your blog through SBS!

    xo, Bekka
    Palm and Peachtree, A Fashion and Lifestyle Blog

    1. Always love finding new blogs to read, and girls to love! You are too cute!


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